

First Things First - Getting Started on Planning for a Wedding

Even though I work with a variety of events on a daily basis, knowing where to start with my own wedding planning was still a bit overwhelming.  The real 'start' were conversations that Mark & I have had in the past about how we would like our wedding to feel.  What do we want our guests to see and experience?  What do we really want to focus on and what themes are important to us?  We started with those preferences which included - incorporating our love for the outdoors and respect for the environment, an intimate and personal feel, nice weather in Alabama, and conveniences like having the ceremony & reception in the same location - and started from there to build our "wedding vision".  I feel like it was really important to discuss these basics before we got into the nitty-gritty of the who, what, when, where, and of course, how, so we could come back to them if things started to get off-track.

Next, we started exploring the insane amount of resources available to brides.  There is a lot of information available online but I would also suggest visiting or calling any vendor that interests you to get more comprehensive and personalized information based on your specific needs.  I'll be honest - I'm an avid internet researcher and I know a lot of brides do their legwork online but websites don't always do the best job of getting the right information across to the bride.  I'm also a big fan of perusing the aisles of the bookstore or library for anything that catches my eye!

Want to make it easy from the get-go?  Talk to a professional event planner!  These people are unbelievable resources of information! There are different levels of planning assistance, so don't feel like a planner has to have control over the entire weekend.  These event experts can save you a lot of time and money by letting you know what will work and what doesn't and who is the best vendor to make it happen!  (I'll do another post soon on planners in the Birmingham area.)

Let's note here that a wedding can be as simple or as detailed as your prefer it to be.  If you start to get overwhelmed with all of the options, then the process is no longer fun, and it may be time to go back to the basics.  Enjoy this experience as much as possible - hopefully this is the only time you'll be planning a wedding!  But if nothing seems to be working out, just breathe - at the end of the day you will still be wed to the one you love!

Resources for Brides and Grooms: 

I really love the idea behind the Engaged! Library by Perfect Wedding Guide.  This is an actual location in Homewood where they have samples and idea books from hundreds of different vendors for you to look through.  Green Bonus: Less driving around town and wasting gas!  Just keep in mind, that while there is plenty to look through, not every vendor in town is showcased at the Engaged! Library.

**PRO Tip: Not everyone who picks up a camera, or a flower, or a microphone is a wedding professional but there are plenty of people who will say they are!  Do your research and get referrals before signing a contract with a vendor, especially if their pricing is much lower than others.  Your wedding day is NOT the day you want to get what you pay for!!

Professional organizations are a great way to find reputable vendors.  Each wedding industry - florists, photographers, bakers - all have their own certifications and organizations that will help you know who has the real credentials. Also, for a local source, check out - this is a group of event professionals in Alabama that have plenty of experience making wedding dreams come true!

Birmingham Bridal Directory, Tuscaloosa Bridal Directory, North Alabama Bridal Directory, etc.
Perfect Wedding Guide 

Local Magazines: 

Hmm... I need to do more research on this one!

Green Bride Guide
Martha Stewart Weddings - I <3 their daily inspiration emails!
The Knot
Blogs (like this one!) and endless online resources

Bridal Shows: 
Southern Bridal Show, Perfect Wedding Guide, or just search for one in your area

Get Real! with Alabama Wedding Vendors - interviews about wedding planning with local wedding vendors

Once you find a vendor that you like and trust, ask for their recommendations of other vendors based on your needs.  These professionals work together every weekend and they see how events come together (or not) firsthand.

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