

Thanksgiving Cake Wrecks

Having been there myself, I found this site pretty amusing.  I have definitely made some 'special' cakes in my time :)   The turkey cakes made me laugh out loud -

A little bit about the site: 

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.


Movie Night at Royal Oaks & OPL Game Show

Last week we had two events that were really great!  The first was a movie night at Royal Oaks with my good friend, Mary.  She is always looking for something to keep the residents at her apartment property happy!  So she decided to take advantage of this lovely fall weather and have a movie night out on the tennis courts.  She teamed up with Feel the Beat to have an outdoor screening of Twilight.  It was such a great event!  They blacked out the fencing around the tennis court to block out lights and distractions, and also some wind, which I thought was such a cool idea.  Then there was pizza, hot chocolate, popcorn, & cookies for everyone to snack on.  There was even a raffle for a free month's rent!  The turn-out was great and I think everyone had so much fun snuggling up in their chairs and blankets, munching on snacks, and enjoying a movie right in their own backyard!  Big thanks to Mary & Regina at Royal Oaks for putting everything together!

The other event that night was an over-the-top fun game night for Optical Prescription Lab!  These guys know how to throw a party!  Even their meetings incorporated the game show fun.  They had name tags just like the ones on Price is Right and they gave away prizes all night!

Who wouldn't want to attend that event?!  Feel the Beat provided classic game show set pieces and also a huge set for our own game show!  There was Wheel of Fortune, Price is Right, $20,000 Pyramid, Family Feud, and Hollywood Squares.  Then we played Family Feud and Jeopardy games with the whole group after dinner.  This group was such a blast!  They have some genuinely fun-loving people that they work with and it made it a lot of fun.


Get with the Program!

If you are looking for an easy way to add some creativity into your wedding ceremony, there are tons of ways to play up your program!   The program is a great guide for guests to know what to expect during the ceremony, but it can also convey theme, formality, and a little bit of personality!

I loved these 'ribbon' folded programs pictured to the left!  How clever to just use the way the program is folded to make a statement!  The color is gorgeous and I can imagine it makes a stunning presentation to have them all stacked at the entrance to your venue.

Are you serving a delicious dish at the reception?  Include the recipe in the program, and your guests leave with more than just a favor.  If it's a family recipe be sure to give credit!  Personalize it even more by including a short explanation of why you and your fiancee love the dish or how it came to be a family favorite!